These are the notes from the July 28th meeting at Bridgehead:
Attendance: Justine, Jenn, Chris, Amanda, Lindsay, Heather, Emily and Lindsay S.
1. Radio Interview
•Jenn, Chris and Justine will go on CKCU 93.1 tomorrow morning - check it out at
•They will bring two questions to the show: one about how the legality of abortion does not necessarily mean access re: abortion services nor for childcare related needs; and the second about how PCCO is inclusive of gender orientation as well as lgbtq, age, religious etc… orientations.
•They will also discuss past events and incorporate discussions generated from the questionnaire people filled out in the market
Action: Jenn to email dj and group member’s the questions; Heather to email Jenn the questionnaire
2. Capital Pride
•To participate in pride will cost $65
•Group will ask for donations via facebook
•Group should also connect with Dyke March
Action: Lindsay S. will email Pride to see if discount price can be negotiated; Jenn to contact Dyke March
3. Partnerships
•Group talked about the need to work with and connect more concretely with the Ottawa U. pro-choice group
Action: Lindsay S to connect with group member and establish concrete contact points
4. Blog
•Check out the BLOG•After each event, a participant will be designated to write an entry about the event
•Heather has agreed to put the meeting notes on the Blog
•Jenn and Emily will post links on the blog
Action: Denisse, Jenn and Emily are to write entries for the blog; Heather to post July 28th meeting notes; Jenn and Emily to post links to the blog
5. Social Event
•Emily had an idea for a PCCO social event on Monday August 17th at Raw Sugar CafĂ© from 5 – 7 pm so that newbies won’t be so intimidated
Action: Emily to create event on FBook
6. Promotion
•Justine and Amanda can provide promotion of PCCO and events in the Carleton School of Social Work’s newspaper and also during the School’s frosh
•Chris has connected with OPIRG and has secured a 250 word written and photo spot in their paper re: Radical Frosh. There will be a group photo with the banner at next week’s meeting!
Action: Chris and Emily to write article; Chris to determine date for Frosh week; Jenn to bring banner and camera to next meeting; Everyone to come to the next mtg for our group picture!
7. Upcoming Events
•Group discussed having fundraiser events during the first or second week of September (for Frosh time) at HUMP at Mercury Lounge, Shanghai and via a sex-positive, safer sex demo from YSB held potentially at Carleton
Action: Lindsay S to contact HUMP; Heather to connect with YSB; Lindsay to contact Carleton to see if there is space
8. Point People
•The group agreed that while the structure is open and fluid, some things should be more assigned. Emily will be the blog mistress; Jenn will be the facebook mistress; Justine, Heather and Lindsay S will be the email mistresses
•People can join in and help with these or other more concrete roles!
Next Mtg At Bridgehead on Elgin - Tuesday August 4th at 730 pm - GROUP PHOTO woot!